Seasonal Signposts!

All, we are SO excited! 

*clears throat* 

NEXT MONTH we start our Seasonal Signposts!!!

What are Seasonal Signposts? 

Seasonal Signposts are a new workshop series we are starting in 2020! There’s so much to celebrate throughout the year – why not personalize your seasonal decorating while learning new skills and building community?! Instead of buying a seasonal decoration that you’ll see at 10 other houses in your neighborhood, make one-of-a-kind items you can be proud to tell others YOU BUILT!

The basic idea is to build a post (suitable for outdoor use!) and then build and decorate one or 20 signs to hang on that post for any event or celebration. We’ll have a few seasonally appropriate signs happening each month, but we will have plans available for all of our signs! 

What signs can I make? 
What can’t you make? We’ve got plans for all of the following signs: egg, tulip, sun, flip flop, flag, apple, pumpkin, ghost, pine tree, ornament, snow man, dog bone, jar, heart, and chalkboard. Maybe you want to give a one of a kind engagement gift – you can build an engagement ring sign! How about a balloon (birthday or baby shower, anyone)? We’ve got you covered! Plus, we keep coming up with more ideas! We might even be okay with you designing your own!

Obviously, you can paint these however you’d like!

What tools do I get to use? 

At minimum, you’ll use a miter saw, drill, and tape measure. More than likely, you’ll use a jigsaw, router, sander, and the air nailer. For some projects, you might even use the scroll saw.

What are my options for decorating my signs?
Your only limit is your imagination! At WWR, we’ve got a wide variety of spray paint options. That’s a simple option to give an overall color to a sign. If you’ve got bigger plans, but not bigger skills, we are partnering with Paint the Towne, too! For only $5 per sign, you can take your wooden sign there and will be able to use paint and get ideas and instruction. What a deal!

Do I have to make an actual post? 
Well, no, we guess not. If you’ve got a door that needs a decoration or a wall in your house begging for some seasonal love, you can always just make the signs! But it’s way more fun to make your own at our workshop.

How much does this cost? 
Pricing for Seasonal Signposts is as follows.

  • Post + one sign in a 3-hour workshop = $45. We will have these workshops once every three months or so. This is the same price as any of our other three hour workshops.
  • One sign in a 1.5 hour workshop = $20. In months we do not have a post workshop, we plan to offer at least two of these shorter workshops. 
  • Buy three, get one free special sign package = $60. This makes four more signs only $15 each!! This package deal lasts for one year from the date of purchase, so you can build signs when it fits into your schedule. Want to make four in two months? Awesome! Want to take a year to make four signs – you can do that, too.
Wait, are Seasonal Signposts taking the place of all the other cool things I can build at WWR?
Heck no! We will still be offering regular workshops – with old favorites, like tiered cedar planters, as well as new options, like a C-shaped writing table for your couch! We will also have some scheduled Mommy & Me workshops and continue our work with other non-profits in and around Richmond. 
We really can’t wait to begin building with you!! Taking the coldest months off might be good for our fingers, but it sure makes us all eager to make sawdust, memories, and empowered women!

Published by afterconnery

husband, father, runner, wannabe bicycle commuter, #UbuntuMate user.

4 thoughts on “Seasonal Signposts!

  1. Hi, Unknown Visitor! Were you unable to sign up because of a conflict with your schedule or did you encounter an error on the form? Either way, this seasonal sign post is a series we plan to keep running. In September, we should have another \”sign only\” workshop and then likely a \”post and sign\” workshop in October.


  2. Hi Unknown Visitor! We have a \”sign only\” workshop happening in August. The next time we plan to have a \”post + sign\” workshop will likely be October. Make sure you're on our mailing list and/or follow us on Facebook/Instagram to find out about them!


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